'Reired' is a student 3D animated short made in Maya and also my first short film.
An old retired police officer pigeon is passing by a pecking group of pigeons. He is hungry and waves his badge around in an attempt to catch their attention, so they can respectfully make his space. He wouldn’t be noticed. Even more - his badge is kicked on the road. After getting the only thing left from his youth, he gets run over by a car. Pigeons finally notice him, but it’s too late. The old pigeon sees his chance to restore his pride in fellow pigeons. His attempt turns into a hilariously deadly charade.
Firstly, I had to work on the character design. Details such as choosing a colour, shape and the form were the essential ones during the process. The design of the pigeon is extraordinary as I I tried to represent a pigeon, different from the ones we have seen before in animations. Character profile was one step towards shaping the final version of the film.
After finishing my concept design for both - the environment and the characters, I started planning my storyboard as well as the shot list. During this project, I was introduced to every stage of film-making - from concept to rendering, sound and final edits.
As 'Retired' is my first short film, I chose to work on low-poly models while I developed my skills in rigging and animation and blend shapes. I extended my knowledge about storytelling too.